What feels like ages ago I used to write regularly on a GitHub blog which I have since taken down. It had technical write-ups and my journey through OSCP. I checked and the site for the analyst playbook is still there you can go and check out the analyst-playbook.
Why I wanted to get back into writing is a bit of a mixed bag really. I go through waves of motivation where I have all of these projects that I want to do and usually I just don’t follow them through. At the moment I find myself inbetween jobs (one is lined up I just find myself with some extra time) so I made myself a list on my last day of work that I wanted to start and it only consists of four things:
So here we are the very first post of my new blog. I only had to spend 2 hours configuring the Contact page to send me emails because maybe I’m now getting too old for technology. However, now at least to can send me suggestions or hate mail or if you want to come and check out memes then come and join the Hardly Adequate discord, suitable for cyber, memes, and gaming.
I would love to hear if you’re similar in creating lists of things to do and what is on them, even if you never get around to doing them.